Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Panini With Homemade French Bread

This was a life saver meal that I figured out at 4:30 when I had no idea what I was going to fix. It turned out so tasty. We already had ham and mozzarella cheese so that’s what we used inside. Mark also sprinkles it he’s iky with Italian seasoning. Mark uses a flat cast iron pan to cook on top of the sandwich. When it came out, we added tomatoes, mayo, and lettuce. I didn’t have French bread so I made it homemade. I did it all wheat and skipped a raise for saving time. I let it rest in the bo for ten, formed it into loaves, and let it double. It was fast because I put outside in the summer sun.
I have always been so scared to make French bread but it was actually really easy and so good. I did the ice cube thing on the first loaf but not the second. I didn’t think it needed it.https://www.melskitchencafe.com/easy-sheet-pan-panini/

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