Sunday, October 25, 2020

Marianne’s lasagna


Homemade playdoh


Grandma Glo ham omelette for a crowd

 This is what we make every Christmas morn. 😋 

Salsa from Michelle Christensen

 This is the very best salsa to me if I can’t have pico fresh. The neighbor sells it

Grandmas glo pancakes


Easy breakfast casserole, kinda like Jenny’s

 From Hilary yardley when I was sick

Royal icing-unless you just want to do the egg white kind

 Egg white kind:

Ilene’s granola

1/3 cup syrup 

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup oil 

5 cups rolled oats

2 cups nuts

Bake in cookie pan 50 minutes @325 degrees

Spaghetti sauce with garden tomatoes


Grace’s Banana Bread


Sunday, October 18, 2020


We just made our own roast, made our own fries and gravy. This recipe looks good too, it’s the idea of it that is super easy. You could even buy fries from the store. It’s so good!

Cheese curds are hard to find, Harmon’s might have some. We just used fresh mozerella balls at walmart

Monday, October 5, 2020

Cinnamon Rolls

 Our new general conference tradition going on 1 year :). These are SO good. If you have another recipe you like better, I'd like to know. Found this online with over 4,000 reviews. 

I used margarine instead of butter for the bread dough and 25% of the filling, then butter for the icing. I also didn't know I was running low on cinnamon till it was too late, but 1 T instead of the called for 2 T was still yummy. They were more like sweet rolls, but we didn't mind. 

I learned something you guys probably already know too: put the dough in the microwave (without it turned on, of course) to help it when rising.